Effective vs. Affective

For months, I have been thinking about how our blog can be more effective {The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence}. With so many design inspired blogs to read these days, it’s important to give people, including myself, something of substance. I continued to struggle with the blog being all about stationery, with a little personal celebration from time to time. Then on my morning walk, revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning. The desire really is not to be as much effective as it is AFFECTIVE {1.To have an influence on or effect a change in. 2.To act on the emotions of; touch or move. 3.To attack or infect, as a disease} Wow. I was so inspired and so many different ideas just began to flow from God’s hands to my heart. I receive emails quite often about people starting their own businesses or new endeavors in life and how something they read or saw inspired them to move forward. Well, to God be the glory! I am excited about the new direction of Create Me Papered. It’s not about rebranding. It’s about revisiting the vision, rethinking and moving forward with purpose. It is my hope that something you read will: 1) influence you to do greater things personally and professionally, 2) touch your heart and inspire you to pay it forward, and 3) attack your vision and/or goals in life to affect others!

Make sure you subscribe or visit daily as we look forward to sharing purely wondrous inspiration. Matthew 6:33

References: www.yourdictionary.com